Rector Search Committee Annual Report

The Rector Search Committee was commissioned at the Annual Meeting in January 2022, and we organized the first committee meeting in February. Over the past 11 months, the group has worked through the following process:

  1. Parish Self-Study (March - May)
    - Distribution and analysis of the parish survey - 208 responses
    - Small group discussions - over 110 parishioners participated in 13 small group discussions

  2. Parish Profile (June - July)
    - Developed a 45-page description of the parish to present to the rector candidates
    - Profile approved by the Vestry and diocese (August)
    - The full profile can be viewed online

  3. Candidate Application Process (August - October)
    - Posting on the diocesan website and the national Episcopal News Service’s job board
    - Committee members and parishioners also reached out to many friends of Christ Church to inform them of the search and solicit names
    - Candidate applications received

  4. Discernment process (September - present)
    - Review of submitted application materials
    - 90-minute Zoom interviews
    - Committee members visit candidates’ parishes
    - Finalists visit Christ Church Winnetka (projected February 2023)

Throughout the process, we have been encouraged by the quality of the candidates. We will be working through the last phases of the search process over the next few months and hope to recommend a candidate to the Vestry by the end of the first quarter 2023. We will continue to offer regular updates to the congregation on our search process over the next few months.

Members of the Rector Search Committee:

Phil Adams
Melanie Cody
Will Dorsey
Julie Flood
Dan George
Carrie Healy
Jerry Hufton
Lisa Kerpan
Phil Krone
Gordon Montgomery
Bill Newlands
Elizabeth Parkinson
Candy Pyle
Patrick Rooney
Laura Zung

Faithfully submitted,

Lisa Bradner and Chris Cahill


A message from the Wardens: Announcing the Tenth Rector of Christ Church


An update from the Rector Search Committee