Parish Picnics
We love sharing fellowship together! So, each Fall, we begin our program year with a festive picnic following the 9:30am service on the church patio. We also finish our program year with another picnic, as we prepare to shift to our summer outdoor worship at Maple Street Park.
Wrap N Roll
This is an annual event held during the season of Advent. You won’t want to miss this holy chaos! This is a special service project where gifts collected for Christmas Angels are wrapped and prepared for delivery. The evening also includes a visit from St. Nick, delicious food, and caroling.
Pancake Supper
Our supper is a festive event that is hosted by the current class of Confirmation students. It is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday on the day known as Fat Tuesday. It is a moment of pure joy and marks the last day before the beginning of the season of Lent. This event includes pancakes made by our youth, as well as fun games. Proceeds raised at this event support the Confirmation service project.
Ash Wednesday for Families
This service has been designed especially with our children and families in mind. Adults are invited and enjoy how this service makes the meaning of Ash Wednesday and Lent more approachable. Receive ashes and Communion in a relaxed thirty-minute service.
Holy Week Journey with Jesus
Holy Week Journey with Jesus is an interactive exploration of the events leading up to our celebration of Easter — from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem celebrated on Palm Sunday, to his burial at the tomb. Our journey through Holy Week is created to share this story with our children through experience.