Enhancements to Sundays

To accomplish the congregation’s desire to provide additional ways to grow in our faith and deepen our relationships with one another, beginning September 8, our Sundays will flow as follows:


8:00 – 8:45 a.m.         Service of Holy Eucharist, Rite II for all ages in the sanctuary

                                                Nursery available until 12:00 p.m.

8:45 – 9:00 a.m.         Coffee and opportunity for fellowship in the space opposite the McClain Room

9:00 –10:00 a.m.      Formation Hour for All Ages

  • Children’s Sunday School Classes—meet on the lower level of the church and the Nursery level of Church House

  • Choir—meets in Choir Room

    9:15 a.m. younger choristers and 9:30 for older youth and adult choristers*

  • Parent’s Group—meets in the McClain Room

  • Adult Formation—meets in the Lea Room

  • High School Youth Formation—meets on the upper floor of Church House

  • Confirmation Class—meets on upper floor of Church House

10:15 a.m.     Worship for All Ages

Service of Holy Eucharist, Rite II for all ages in the sanctuary

Children’s Chapel—meets in the McClain Room (ages 3 to 6th grade)

11:15 a.m.      Coffee Hour and opportunity for fellowship in the space opposite the McClain Room

5:00 p.m.       Youth Group with dinner and fellowship—Church on the Hill

*Older youth choristers and adult choir members are invited to attend the first half of the formation classes, beginning at 9:00 a.m.