Click the “Make Your 2025 Pledge Here” button above to make your pledge today and Grow in Love by supporting Christ Church's 2025 Stewardship Campaign. You can also call Cindy Lyman at (847) 446-2850.
Through the collective financial gifts of our parish, Christ Church will continue to Grow in Love through worship, formation, fellowship, music, prayer, and outreach.
Each year, we ask Christ Church parishioners to pledge to financially support the mission and ministry of Christ Church and to ensure our ongoing vitality. These gifts are a tangible demonstration of our gratitude for God’s generosity in our lives. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to share your abundance in addition to your time and talent as part of your own faith journey.
Click to learn more about our campaign to Grow in Love.
If you would like to support Christ Church through your Donor Advised Fund, an IRA distribution, or gifts of stock/securities, please contact Cindy Lyman.
Grow In Love Annual Campaign
Our annual stewardship campaign ensures the ongoing financial health of Christ Church. We ask members to pledge after prayerful consideration of the parish’s important role in their faith to ensure our operating budget can support and grow our mission and ministry.
Enduring Gifts
By including Christ Church in your estate plans, you ensure that Christ Church’s future will remain strong to continue doing the work of God for generations to come. You can include Christ Church in your plans in a variety of ways including cash bequests or by listing Christ Church as the beneficiary of a retirement or life insurance policy. If you are interested in discussing an enduring gift to Christ Church, please contact Cindy Lyman.
There are many ways to support Christ Church financially. Please click the “Make a Gift” button below to make a one-time gift to support music or altar flowers, to honor or memorialize someone, or to support special initiatives such as Christmas Angels or mission trips.
Special Gifts
Donations may be made to the church to provide altar flowers in honor or memory of someone. Gifts may also be made to support our wonderful music program. Make a gift for flowers or music online or contact our church office.
Capital Campaign
In 2021, we embarked on a five-year campaign to ensure Christ Church will continue to thrive for years to come. With God’s help, and thanks to the generosity of many, we have exceeded our original campaign goal of $5 million.
Gifts of Time & Talent
Help us fulfill the mission of the church with the gifts of your time and talent. We have many opportunities for you to volunteer with us and make a difference in our church, our community, and the world.