A message from the Wardens: Our new rector begins his ministry


The Rev. Matthew Hanisian


May 30, 2023

Dear Christ Church Community,

We are delighted to share that our new rector, the Reverend Matthew Hanisian, his wife Katie Glover, and their dog Tallulah are now official residents of our Christ Church Rectory! The journey we began together in the fall of 2021 formally concludes this week as Matthew leads us in worship on Sunday, June 4 at both the 8:00 and 9:30 a.m. services.

We are all very eager to welcome and get to know our new rector. And Matthew is also excited to meet us and begin to know us both as individuals and as a church community. To that end, our Transition Committee is planning a series of small group gatherings with Matthew and interested church members that will begin this summer and continue in the fall. All parishioners will be invited to sign up to attend one of these sessions. More details to follow!

Please plan to join us this Sunday, June 4 after the 9:30 a.m. service for a reception to welcome Matthew and Katie. We will also celebrate their arrival on Sunday, June 11 after the 9:30 a.m. service at the annual parish picnic. This year’s picnic will be a particularly festive event held at the Parish House on Maple Street.

We are joyous and grateful for this moment in the life of Christ Church as we welcome our Tenth Rector. Matthew is excited to lead us by walking alongside us as a partner, mentor, and friend, as together we discern God’s call for the future of our church community. We offer our heartfelt thanks for the prayers and support of the entire parish throughout the past year and look forward to this new beginning in our life together at Christ Church.


Robin Anstaett
Senior Warden

Gary Martin
Junior Warden


A message from Rector-elect Matthew Hanisian