An update from the co-chairs of the Search Committee

On June 15, we shared an overview of the small group findings with the parish. Over 110 parishioners and staff attended a total of 13 group sessions, an outstanding turnout. Thank you for being so generous with your time. The feedback helped us understand more fully what the parish is looking for in our next rector and our hopes and dreams for the future of Christ Church. The full presentation is available to read in the church office. 

We are now finalizing our Parish Profile which is the initial way we communicate to potential candidates who we are and what we are looking for in our next rector. The Parish Profile will be complete by the end of July and live on our website soon afterward. At that point, we will be ready to officially post the position and begin to accept applications from candidates. You can see the full search timeline here.

We will continue to provide updates as we work through the search process. Thank you for your continued input and support.

Lisa Bradner and Chris Cahill
Search Committee Co-Chairs


The Parish Profile is now live!


Listening Sessions presentation moved to Zoom